That's what happened to me (in a good way) with the Lorrainville project.
How an innocent Facebook game brings out a social media-music band and a real album.
The result: Lorrainville – ‘You may never know what happiness is’. A spontaneous discussion developed on my FB account and in my mailbox. At reaction number 40 I knew I was going to make the
I already received 67 songs and a lot more commitments. Furthermore there already is a website and an editorial staff is standing by to keep the website up-to-date on a daily basis. The number of musicians outnumbers the normal number of members of a normal band. It is going to a hell of job making sure everything goes as planned, to select songs and bandmembers. But everyone who wants to be a part can subcribe on the website up to the 21st of January. There is a very positive vibe around this project which is a very good feeling. From everywhere musicians, songwriters and other creative persons are offering their songs, instruments and other qualities.
It is all going so fast and spontaneously!