30 June 2010

a$$ kickin' live performance

This morning I had to get up very early (4:20) because Bertolf had to perform at Giel Beelen's very populair morning show @3FM. I joined Bertolf & band to do the radiomix.
And the guys pulled out an electrifying performance of their latest single "Cut me Loose".
This is how it went down;

29 June 2010

"Open Day"

Last friday we had an "open day" at Studio 41. Studio 41?? Yes; that's the name on the building ;-)
Inside you can find 2 mastering rooms from Saind of Sound, a postproduction studio (SoundFocus), and of course my own mix-&overdubstudio (aka GieSound).
I want to thank all the people who came by; it was a busy day that I really enjoyed!
Today I will be taking some nice pictures of my studio so all of you can see what it looks like.